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About Fractionals

What are Fractionals?

Many people dream of owning vacation property but delay their dream beause they can't afford the type of home they want or won't be spending enough time there to justify the expense.  A new breed of vacation home ownership, called fractional or shared ownership, provides a solution to these problems.  With fractional ownership, a luxury vacation home can be purchased for a fraction of the cost and maintenance expenses can be shared among co-owners.  Fractional ownership enables a person to have that dream luxury home or condo they have always wanted in a great location like Grace Bay in the Turks & Caicos Islands.

It's not surprising that shared ownership has become the fastest growing segment of the real estate market.  Fractional ownership has many benefits over full ownership.  In short, fractionals:

  • Are much more affordable

    Instead of purchasing the entire home, you buy a portion, paying only for the time you will be spending in the home.  Maintenance and upkeep for the home is shared by all owners, making it much more affordable.  

  • Have the luxury you desire

    Fractional properties give you the opportunity to have a home with a great location, an amazing view and  the luxury you desire.   Fractionals on TCI provide all of the amenities of a luxury home and a first-class hotel, such as high end appliances, granite kitchen countertops, whirlpool baths, flat screen TV's, and roomy closets.

  • Free up captial for other uses

    With a fractional property, your investment is closely related to usage, so you have minimal capital risk. You buy the unit you want for only the time you need, making the real estate you own as unique as any individual home, and freeing up captial for vacation homes in other places or for other investments.



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